Step 1. Install Monotone version 0.36 or newer. If this version is not already available in your distro repositories, you must compile it from source.
Step 2. Think of a place you'll save the Pidgin Monotone database in.
mkdir /root/mtn_dbs
cd /root/mtn_dbs
Step 3. Fetch the Pidgin MTN database archive and unpack it.
bzip2 -d
Step 4. MTN pull:
mtn pull -d --set-default "im.pidgin.*"
If you get this message:
mtn: misuse: database /root/mtn_dbs/ is laid out according to an old schemait means you need to "update" the scheme used by the Pidgin MTN database. Use this:
mtn: misuse: try 'mtn db migrate' to upgrade
mtn: misuse: (this is irreversible; you may want to make a backup copy first)
mtn -d db migrate
mtn pull -d --set-default "im.pidgin.*"
If everything was OK, you should see something very similar with:
mtn: setting default server to pidgin.imStep 5. MTN checkout in order to fetch the latest branches:
mtn: setting default branch include pattern to 'im.pidgin.*'
mtn: setting default branch exclude pattern to ''
mtn: doing anonymous pull; use -kKEYNAME if you need authentication
mtn: connecting to
mtn: finding items to synchronize:
mtn: certificates | keys | revisions
mtn: 75,738 | 52 | 25,104
mtn: bytes in | bytes out | certs in | revs in
mtn: 199.8 k | 120.2 k | 137/137 | 34/34
mtn: successful exchange with
mtn -d co -b im.pidgin.pidgin _pidgin
This will create a _pidgin directory in your /root/mtn_dbs one.
cd _pidgin
Step 6. If you want full support for ALL features that Pidgin provides, you need to install the dependencies. I can't stress this enough. You won't probably need all of these, but it's just meant as an example. So, on a Debian / Ubuntu system, such as mine, which already has a few compilers and general build tools and gettext installed, the dependencies required to build ALL the Pidgin features will look like:
aptitude install libxss-dev intltool libstartup-notification0-dev libgtkspell-dev libgstreamer0.10-dev libmeanwhile-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev network-manager-dev libperl-dev tcl8.4-dev tk8.4-dev
Step 7. Time to compile Pidgin:
./ --enable-debug
Normally, there shouldn't be any troubles if you hadn't missed anything from Step 6. out. (I usually build Pidgin with the "--enable-debug" switch.)
Step 8. If everything went OK in the compile stage, it's time to
make && make install
Your "Pidgin MTN" should now... work, unless you were really unlucky and fetched the sources just when a critical bug infiltrated in the developement process. :-) Good luck bug hunting!
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